Countries – A Platform for kids and children to explore and express Tue, 15 May 2018 08:32:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 149196922 Taj Mahal-Short Paragraph/Essay- By Basheer Ahmad,Class 11 Tue, 15 May 2018 08:22:14 +0000 Taj Mahal is a magnificent architectural beauty situated in the banks of river Yamuna in India. It was built by Emperor Shajahan as a dedication to his wife Mumtaz in 1643. It is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is in this place, the tomb of both Mumtaz and Shahjahan …

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Taj Mahal is a magnificent architectural beauty situated in the banks of river Yamuna in India. It was built by Emperor Shajahan as a dedication to his wife Mumtaz in 1643. It is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is in this place, the tomb of both Mumtaz and Shahjahan is located. The legend says that after the death of Mumtaz, Shajahan decided construct a suitable everlasting monument for her and ended up by constructing Taj. Irony is that the final days of Shah Jahan’s life were spent helplessly looking at his most loved Taj Mahal ,as he was captivity by his own son Aurangazeb in a fort across Taj Mahal.

Taj Mahal was constructed using pure white marble and is one of the most splendid pieces of architecture in the world. Its estimated that a total work force of about twenty thousand workers were involved in the construction of Taj Mahal which took approximately 20 years to complete. In 1983, UNESCO declared Taj Mahal as a world heritage site. Since then the place attracted a lot of domestic and international travelers and is currently one of the top tourist destinations in India. It is estimated that around forty thousand people visits Taj every Day. Sadly, off late, industrial pollution around Taj Mahal has threatened to destroy her beauty.  Taj Mahal is losing its original color because of heavy air pollution from factories situated around. Many efforts and on to reduce the effects and the courts have even ordered to shut down the pollution causing factories around Taj. This essentially raises the importance about the conservation of our ancient heritage building and also about the threat of Air pollution and its devastating effects. It’s our duty to protect Taj from destruction so that the next generation can see and appreciate her beauty making it truly everlasting as wished by Emperor Shahjahan.

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Hiroshima day- Speech/Essay for Children Tue, 26 Jul 2016 12:24:48 +0000 Respected  dignitaries  on and off the dais and my dear friends, Today i am going to talk about Hiroshima Day 71 years ago, the then president of USA, Harry S. Truman took a decision. He decided to use Nuclear Weapons against Japan with whom they were at war. A decision which annihilated thousands of people, …

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Respected  dignitaries  on and off the dais and my dear friends,

Today i am going to talk about Hiroshima Day

71 years ago, the then president of USA, Harry S. Truman took a decision. He decided to use Nuclear Weapons against Japan with whom they were at war. A decision which annihilated thousands of people, ironically in the name of  saving thousands of lives from the unending war. Hiroshima Day commemorates 6 August 1945, the day when an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, followed by another dropped Atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.

It is the only instance in human history ,where a nation used nuclear weapon against another nation. The bombings effectively ended World War II by bringing about the surrender of Japan, but at a terrible price .The two cities were  destroyed and casualties, mostly civilians, were estimated at around 200,000, with many more people dying later from injuries and illness. The Bomb coded little boy destroyed 70 percent of the Buildings in Hiroshima and generations suffered due to the effects of Radiation. The incident shook the world and brought into light the terrible aftereffects of nuclear warfare. Antiwar movements and Nuclear disarmament movement strengthened around the world .While the debate over the US decision to bomb still continues, Hiroshima Day is now a focus for anti-war and anti-nuclear discussions and demonstrations. The collective vision, dedication and hard work of Japanese people powered Japan to rise from rubble and today Japan is world’s third largest Economy.

The day reminds all of us the irony of killing thousands to save thousands, war and its terrible destruction and the today’s need and importance for universal harmony and peace.

So friends, Lets all take a pledge today that we will always work together towards spreading the message of  mutual respect,peace and harmony and will never endorse any acts  of violence.

Thank you

Note :For  children essays , please avoid introduction part

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India- My land, My Country and My Dream Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:29:46 +0000 I am an Indian. I love my motherland. I wish to make it an ideal country in the world. I dream of making India a richer, happier and healthier place to live in. I want to see my country progress in all fields of life. Today people have grown selfish. There is injustice everywhere .We …

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I am an Indian. I love my motherland. I wish to make it an ideal country in the world. I dream of making India a richer, happier and healthier place to live in. I want to see my country progress in all fields of life. Today people have grown selfish. There is injustice everywhere .We always think of our own interests. But we do not think of the welfare of the nation. I like every Indian to have national character. In the India of my dream, every man will have a high moral sense and a deep lovefor the nation. Our country is developing in the fields of science and industry.

I want my country to be a leading country in new technology. Our Industries should grow faster. We should produce everything of our need. This India of my dream will use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Education will be available for everyone. India must be a very strong country. We have to protect our hard-earned freedom. India is a peace-loving nation. The India of my dream will follow the policy of truth and non-violence. We can gain peace only when we are very strong. The India of my dream will be a mighty country. Today we find a big gap between the rich and the poor. There is corruption in all walks of life.

The India of my dream will have social justice. There will be no rich and poor. Everybody will be equal.. The feelings of casteism and regionalism must go away forever. There will be an atmosphere of equality, brotherhood and freedom all over the country. The India of my dreams will bring heaven to earth. The India of my dream will strengthen and empower women. My dream India will be free from gender bias and inequality.

May god fulfill my dream!

Vande Mataram

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Independence Day Wed, 12 Aug 2015 07:43:53 +0000   India was ruled by the British from the year 1858. Queen Victoria was declared as the Empress of India. This rule continued until 15th August 1947. On 15th August the British left India and India got its freedom, since then 15th August is celebrated as the independence day of India. The British had divided …

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India was ruled by the British from the year 1858. Queen Victoria was declared as the Empress of India. This rule continued until 15th August 1947. On 15th August the British left India and India got its freedom, since then 15th August is celebrated as the independence day of India. The British had divided India into India and Pakistan. Pakistan celebrates its freedom on 14th August. That is the day when Pakistan was separated from India. Every year on Independence Day,the Prime Minister of India hoists the Indian flag on the Red Fort in Delhi,which is the capital of India. Twenty one gun shots are fired in solemn honor. He pays tribute to the great leaders who lost their lives in the freedom struggle. It is followed by a speech by the Prime Minister. The Indian Army and the paramilitary forces organizes a march past on this day. It ends by singing the national anthem. The Chief Ministers of the respective states also hoists the Indian flag in their states. Various parades and cultural activities are also held. In every schools, colleges, government offices the national flag is hoisted and there would be speeches by eminent personalities. We can see the Indian flag fluttering in the streets too. As a mark of respect small flags are displayed on vehicles and also on the dresses of the people. 15th August is a public holiday in India as it is a national festival-the Indian Independence Day. We Indians should take care that it should not be a day of celebration and flag hoisting alone. It is our duty to educate our future generation about the struggle our leaders faced. I think that all educational institutions can enact a drama or depict something about the life of a freedom fighter, so that a feeling of patriotism is inculcated in each student. In this way pupils will be made aware of the hardships faced by our great leaders. Thus we can be sure that they will not take for granted the freedom they enjoy now, which is granted to them at the cost of the lives of our great freedom fighter.


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Our India Clean India- Kids Story Thu, 16 Apr 2015 07:42:03 +0000 OUR INDIA CLEAN INDIA In a village there were three best friends – Mohan, Latif and Arjun. They studied in the same school. All the three were good in their studies. They all liked the school. It was the place where they all met. They never missed school. Their village was very beautiful. Many tourists …

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In a village there were three best friends – Mohan, Latif and Arjun. They studied in the same school. All the three were good in their studies. They all liked the school. It was the place where they all met. They never missed school. Their village was very beautiful. Many tourists visited this place. Once Arjun didn’t come to school for five days. Latif and Mohan were worried. They decided to visit Arjun. They were shocked to see the place where he lived. It was very filthy. There was stagnant water on the roads where they saw mosquitoes breeding. Waste was thrown all around. When they reached Arjuns house they saw that he was down with very high fever. His mother told them that he had malaria.

She was crying badly. Arjun looked very pale and tired. He could hardly talk. Malaria is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. It affects the liver and blood cells. His father told them that due to unhealthy living conditions very few tourists visited the place. The next day the boys told the class about Arjun. They decided to do something for their friend. So they decided to clean the place during the weekend. So the students gathered in the street and divided themselves into small groups and started cleaning the place. They swept the roads, collected the waste and threw it in the dustbin. They also cleared the dirty water. Thus the mosquitoes became less. They continued the cleaning process every week. This was an eye opener for the people staying around. They slowly started participating in the cleaning spree. All were happy and the place became clean and tidy. More people wanted to clean their streets also. Hence small groups were formed and more places were cleaned. Very few people fell sick. Tourists started visiting the village as before.

The principal appreciated the children in the assembly. The district collector too appreciated the children for making the people aware. The cleaning effort of the people of the village was shown on the TV. Many states also adopted the cleaning movement. Slowly it became a national movement. Thus a small movement that started in a small village spread to the whole country. Finally even the President one day declared that Our India is a Clean India.

Moral: if we want our country to be a clean and healthy place to live we should first keep our house and surroundings clean.


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Women’s day Sun, 08 Mar 2015 15:17:30 +0000 Guess whom I looked at when I was born! Who else, but my dearest mother. I started preparing the speech for the surprise women’s day party, that was to be held on 8th  March in our colony. All the mothers in the colony were invited but they had no idea what their children were upto! …

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Guess whom I looked at when I was born! Who else, but my dearest mother. I started preparing the speech for the surprise women’s day party, that was to be held on 8th  March in our colony. All the mothers in the colony were invited but they had no idea what their children were upto! Each child prepared something special for their mother. There were conditions for the mothers, they had to look their best and also do something what they like the most. Children put up a condition that all women should not eat out the whole week so that they remain healthy and don’t miss the women’s day party.  Finally the day came; there were quizzes, fashion shows, games etc. It was the last thing, the kids had a chance to show the women what they did!!! All kids were excited. Susan gave a speech, Kevin said a story, Nitesh showed his magical traits, Zaina sang a song and so on. The children also cooked for the women. The best part was the big cake that the kids had made and kept as a surprise. It was yummy! The oldest woman of the group, Manasa’s grandmother was invited to cut the cake. At the end of the party, all hugged and kissed the children and many of them were in tears. The women thanked the children for gift. It was an unforgettable day.

HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY to all women out there.


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