One of the most important habit, a child has to develop is the reading habit and if you are asked to name a factor which can play a significant role in student’s life, it’s none other than books. The famous words from Ernest Hemingway, American Novelist and story writer sums it all. ‘There is no friend as loyal as a book.
Every book opens up an entirely new world. They are a treasure of knowledge and carries the essence derived from the enormous experience of the writer. A student life has to be always a free and open exploration of this world in search of new knowledge and horizons, and books holds the magic key into that amazing world. The more your read, the more knowledge you can absorb. It can open up your imagination and ignites your curiosity and passion. It is now well accepted that reading habit and good books can greatly influence the over personality of a student. Reading can also boost your confidence and can be a great tool to reduce your stress. Proper reading can improves your concentration skills and enhance your memory skills
As students, there are many creative activities which we can do with books. We can start sharing our books and initiate a lending library among our friends. One student can work as the librarian keeping records. We can also develop posters about the importance of books and display in our school notice board. In order to encourage children to take up the habit of reading, April 23 is celebrated as Word Book Day. This program is initiated by UNESCO to spread awareness about the importance of reading. So, the next time when you visit the school library or a book stall, remember that books are our best friends and you can find an amazing world within that which us beyond your wildest dreams. Next time when you feel angry, or disappointed, try to grab one book and start reading. From Today onward, let books be our best friends
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