How to achieve success- By Fida Ancy

  • Contributed by : Fida Ancy
  • Status : Student
  • Class : 10
  • Age : 15
  • Mode : Medium
  • Article type : Essay for Children
  • Target Age Group : 11-15 Years

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Success is what everyone wants and very few get. Each and every person on every corner of this planet yearns for success. And don’t deny it, you do too. It is, after all, basic human nature. We want to succeed and be the best. Even though some of us may not realize it, that desire is there, buried deep inside our hearts.

So, how to be successful?  Some people reach great heights, while some try again and again but fail. So what is the difference? How do great people like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and others manage to dazzle the world with their ideas and become famous? And, that is the million-dollar question I am going to try to answer here.

Success. What is success in the first place? Success is when we achieve something. It may be a promotion, an achievement, a prize or anything at all. If we set a goal and work towards it, we will reap the rewards. That feeling of self-satisfaction, that is true success.

Different people have different views of success. For some people, the version of success maybe just getting a good job. Some people would want a promotion. And still, others would want to establish their own companies. We all see success through different eyes.

The secret to success is something that we all have in us. If we search deep inside our hearts we know the path. The only problem is that path is blanketed with thorns that make it very difficult to travel through it. There are also many distractions: beautiful green leafy paths that lead to completely different places.

You may think that it would be better to take the easier path. But the reward at the end of these paths is nothing compared to what awaits you at the end of your journey through the thorny path.

The truth is that to be successful we have to take risks. We have to move out of our comfort zone and tread new ground. We have to expand our knowledge and dive into different things and new experiences. We have to understand our strengths and weaknesses and work to overcome them. That is the only way we can reach the top.

We also have to be optimistic. We have to believe that we can do it and we will reach our goal. If we believe in ourselves, then anything is possible. If anything bad happens along the way, remember that things get worse before they get better. So, everything happens for a reason. After all, every cloud has a silver lining.

I truly believe that every person has the potential to become successful. We just need to look inside ourselves and work hard towards our goal. So no matter what happens, believe in yourselves and continue on the path to greatness.

“Always aim for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars.”


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